Writer's work

Resultado de imagen para writer
When I was a kid, I would like to be a lot things. Before, I would have liked to be veterinarian because I liked the animals, and in that time, my mom gave me my first dog, Toto, so I liked so much Toto, but after when I was 7 or 8 years old, I would like to be a writer of many history, I liked to create stories, I was good in asignature language  and my teacher congratulate to me for my creative. I imagine I could be a great writer, I would like to write stories of drama or detective novels similar to Sherlock or the novels of Agata Christie. This job is a indoors job, I would like to work in enclosed places as a like my home or library. I imagine in a quiet place for leave the imagination to create. Places where I feel comfortable. I don't know exactly if this job I have a to travel a lot but I would like to travel for conventions, or if I'm a famous writer to travel for meeting with fans or signing of books. If a good writer and famous the salary will be so much, I would like to earn because of the people buy me my novels, but if I poor writer, I'll die making to I love.If I studied this, only I would like to progress my writing, but I think is only practice.
A curious data is that actually when I finish this career, Public Administration, I would like to take a course of Literature or something like that.


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