Change to my study program

I think that we students of public administration of Universidad de Chile. One of a problem that we have is a poor infrastructure, because we are a one career in this department the authorities of university don’t considerate to us like students. Besides, the integration the career political science make of place smaller. I think the temporary solution this problem is separate both careers and put in different places, because the permanent solution is we move to building of Vicuña Mackenna 20, the promised land.
Regarding of the curriculum, I think we have a many subjects of political science, although this is good, because we afford have a knowledge of system and society, I think that our career is more practical, is more management so, the subject must be more management and more practical. It is too much theory and the problem is that we graduate and work will be difficult because we knows only theory and not practical. For me, the solution is to eliminate some subject of political science and to add more subject of management and practical subject.
In the teaching methods, the problem in this career is that the teacher don’t have a standard examination, some teachers are more difficult understand than others, so this create an unbalance in the learning of students. The solution would be less academic freedom or the test must be same for all.
In the use of technology, I think that some teachers don’t use of technology in their classes, so the classes turn bored, so I consider that the classes would be more dynamic and for this, the teachers must use programs like as menti or kahoot, for to make the class more dynamics and fun.


  1. I have tha same thought too , we have many subjects of political science but to me is boring and monotone. TT


    I agree with you, you have to change the methods of teachers to teach well.


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